Second Innings Association organized their 2nd Annual Function In mini tagore


CHANDIGARH ; 22ND SEP. ; ALPHA NEWS INDIA DESK ;—-Second Innings Association organized their 2nd Annual Function dated 22th Sept 2019 at Mini Tagore Theatre . With prime moving spirit , Mr RK Garg behind this only two years old NGO , it can be easily stated that it has jumped leaps and bounds and has been able to move the Tricity administration for taking care of the cities problems including those of senior citizens .Highlights :– Welcome and invoking God through prayer by young girl Ms Saheb Noor in her melodious voice .- Mr S S Lamba , Patron gave the welcome address that included mention of welfare Measures in the city likes single use plastic , pollution , community policing , law and order ,appreciated Mr Garg and his son Keshav CA who are involved for the NGO included Mrs Garg .- Mr R K Garg President then spoke in details about activities and future plans of SIA . The concept of second innings is for experienced people to give back to the society.

– Number of issues raised including beat boxes , civic vendors , pipe lines and waste removal , road breaking and  liaison between MC and Admin. Slow and steady progress is their motto to move the system and administration .- Creation of self help group and coordination committee for Tricity .- System never takes proactive approach you have to follow .- You have to write to system and make them aware of the issues .- Felicitations of achiever’s and celebrities of Tricity-

– Songs prelude by Rafi night fame , Mr Tarsem , Ms Suman , Noor , Mrs SAXENA and a few others with their melodious renditions .- Mr Panchi who is leading in 15 organisations of chandigarh in various capacities ,also spoke well of the NGO ( SIA )and stated that he keeps consulting Mr Garg in various issues pertaining to the Tricity .- Dr Nautiyal , Director ,Pollution Board invited specially for the occasion ,spoke on pollution and awareness about the environment. He asserted “What kind of planet we are leaving for the next Generation “ . Excessive  and irresponsible use of plastic . Locul dumping ground waste is not able to process due to non segregation of biodegradabe and non biodegradable.He exhorted all audiences to please segregate waste into two categories mentioned above .

A noble concept for saving this planet to choke from pollution and plastic . Let’s take it forward was his campaign initiative .- Life time achiement award to Mr S D Sharma  , the architect at 88 years of age . City has given a lot to us , we should give it back , thus spoke . He was associated with Mr Le corbsuier and his associate who was behind construction of the buildings and other infra of the city . He stated to have learnt from them that “This life is to act and act with ,nobility , sincerity and humility . “-Don’t demand  things but give to society in your capacity . Humbleness is a virtue of saints and we must achieve the same in our life time .- Mr Inder Puri , President of SCA , Chandigarh also praised the efforts and the way of dealing with the administration .- Sh. Mahaveer Singh, Member Secretary, State Legal Service Authority was honoured for his exemplary work.- Various dignitaries including Dr. Siddhart Garg of GMCH-32, Renowned veteran reporter V P Prabhakar, & Dr. V D Singh who contributed immensely towards plastic surgery,  were honoured and felicitated on the occasion .

– Let’s care for the city.”was the motto as the theme .-  Concluded with  songs and vote. Cotton bags were given to all members for using it instead of polythene bags and to carry the message.

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