Flash Mob by AKSIPS 45 at Elante Mall


  CHANDIGARH ; 25TH MAY, ; ALPHA NEWS INDIA ;—–                                                                                                                    


 AKSIPS 45 Chandigarh contrived to get together over 100 children to project a flashmob in Elante Mall, Chandigarh to signal a message ‘The Face of Climate Change’ The participating students were quick as a flash, powerful, positive and successful in sending the worldwide message.
The message unveiled that the growing imbalance is a threat to the mankind and a healthy environment is essential for developing rich biodiversity and a harmonious state of the Earth.
“The power of music, dance and community is an incredible combination and although it is a serious issue, we have a lot of fun along the way” said the vibrant school choreographer. The performance left the students even more exuberant and aware.

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