chandigarh housing board VS chd residents


 Chandigarh, 12th February, 2018: This is in continuation of the CHB order No. 342, dt. 26.12.17  wherein Chandigarh Housing Board has allowed its allottees to  retain additional constructions/encroachments  not covered under the approved Need Based Changes, for a period of  one year on payment of penalty charges to be paid annually and the allottees are  also required to submit a certificate of structural stability to CHB from a qualified Structural Engineer having ME/M.Tech, registered with the Chandigarh Administration in the interest of safety of the occupants and in the interest of public safety. 
It has come to notice that some residents have raised objections quoting various reasons, for the additional constructions made on other floors etc. for which the penalty charges are deposited in the CHB by the respective allottees.              
Keeping in view the above and in the larger public interest, it is hereby ordered that no action will be taken in respect of these complaints, in cases where the penalty charges have been deposited by the  allottees, against whom complaints have been made by other allottees. Further, no action will be taken for the show cause notices/notices and the appeal cases, for the period for which the penalty charges are deposited by the allottees.

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