Teachers of universities n colleges on mass casual leave on International Teachers’ Day


  • Chandigarh : 3rd Oct. : ALPHA  NEWS  INDIA  :—On the call of their national organization the All India Federation of University and College Teachers’ Organizations (AIFUCTO), thousands of teachers of universities and colleges of Punjab and Chandigarh along with their counterparts across India will go on mass casual leave on International Teachers’ Day – October 5 to press for their demands.
  • Dr Jagwant Singh, Vice President AIFUCTO and the convenor of AIFUCTO committee on pay scales said, “The university and college teachers are demanding an early declaration and implementation of the revised UGC Pay scales for themselves especially after the implementation of the seventh pay scales for central government employees and armed forces. We also demand faster and personal promotion  for all teachers and 100% funding by Govt of India.”
  • He added, “Our other demands include scrapping of the Academic Performance Indicator(API), removal of anomalies of the 6th pay commission and revival of pension scheme for all teachers beyond 2004,counting of past service, dropping the negative features of New Education Policy,stopping commercialization of higher education, regular appointments of teachers in place of contractual appointments and funding of the pay revision of unaided staff and colleges, and a UGC sponsored state level eligibility test be organized in every state to make available required number of aspirants for the teaching posts which would go a long way in giving qualified and eligible youth of the native state a teaching job.” 
  • He added that the AIFUCTO will have to think about ways of accelerating the movement unless their demands are fulfilled.

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